Authentic Traditional Palestinian
Folk Music

  1. Tulbah (proposition)

2. Miriam's Father

3. Fardah

4. Miriam

5. Chiming Bracelets

6. Farewell to Bachelor Days

7. Dal'onah (instrumental)

8. Henna

9. Embarak (blessed)

10. Groom's Bath

11. Zaffah (wedding scene)

12. Adornment of the Bride

13. A New Love

15. Fardah (instrumental)

16. Miriam (instrumental)

El-Funoun: Zaghareed
Direct from the Holy Land, the first ever release of Authentic Arab-Palestinian music. Ecstatic Zaghareed (wails of joy)
intermingle with the unmistakable voices and instruments of this passionate and endangered culture.
Pictures from the El-Funoun dance performance
Music from the Holy Land"Zaghareed"
(Windows media Player needed)