Last November, I was shocked and angered by the image of a Palestinian middle aged man who had bee made to strip naked
in the cold and rain and walk back and forth like a dog for the amusement of the Israeli soldiers who sat in the tanks and
armored personnel carriers. This picture touched me profoundly…This was what came to my mind in the only words and way
that I can describe what he must have felt…


As I stand here…

Stripped of my rags
Wind and rain
Rush to cover me…

What do you see?

Stripped of my dignity
Of my humanity

What do you see?

As I gaze down, head lowered
My eyes can only see
The mud at my feet

Will stripping me of my dignity
Enhance your security?

What do you think it does for me?

Mike Odetalla 11-2002
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By Mike Odetalla